Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Use case view - Mooshabaya

Integrating the Registry

User can add web service or a directory of web services by integrating the Registry or add data feeds. User management is handled by Identity Server. User can also configure the registry parameters.

Monitoring Module

User can configure the monitoring parameters and start/stop monitoring the workflow execution. Workflows are monitored using Pub/Sub model, where workflow events are published as notifications. If user chooses pull mode, notifications are stored as messages in a messagebox and later loaded from the messagebox.

Workflow Composition

User can choose and discover services. User can add input source nodes and set service nodes, from the services and feeds that are added. User can compose workflows using the added components and the system components in the canvas area, and implement the relevant business logic. Workflows can be saved and loaded later.

Mashup Generation and deploying to mashup server and execution

User can generate mashups once the workflow is composed or loaded. Generated mashups can be exported and deployed to a mashup server and executed.

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